I meant to share this much sooner, but with all of my out-of-the-country travels, and still not having a working phone, I am just now getting around to it.
Last month I was featured over on the Linenbeauty blog! You can check out the interview here.
There are so many amazing dialogues over there with inspiring women pursuing slow living and simple paths and I feel so flattered to be amongst them.
In our interview I mention a little bit about The Wild and Wonderful American Road Trip, and the portrait of me is actually the only film photo I’ve shared so far from the 34 rolls of film I shot on the trip. I have chosen not to release any of the images digitally until some of the projects I am working on with them are completed, but there will be an opportunity to see more of them soon!
Thank you all for reading and engaging with me on these ideas and topics. As always, I love talking to you about them, don’t ever hesitate to reach out over instagram or email!
Event | Slow Living With The Village Magazine
i am so very excited to announce that i will be cohosting a slow living event with friends from The Village Magazine on July 29th here in my hometown of Richmond, VA and you are all invited!
what is slow living and what will we be doing at this event?
(well, for an initial introduction into what slow living means to me you should head to this page on my site.)
The Art of Slow Living.
it’s a phrase that’s becoming more mainstream, hashtagged and popular these days, but what does it really mean?
what does it look like to #liveslow?
Featured | The Daughter of A Sailor
I had the opportunity to create a video essay for Off Center Harbor to showcase a little piece of what it's like to be the daughter of a sailor (which will be a familiar moniker especially for those of you who follow me on Instagram... #daughterofasailor)
The video pretty much says it all so I'm going to leave it at that.
You can watch it here!
Featured | Somerset Life Magazine
I posted this on Instagram a few weeks ago, but forgot to do so for all of you lovely people who follow me here on the blog, but I also had some additional thoughts that I wanted to express.
I had the privilege of writing an article on one of my favorite subjects -- slow living -- for Somerset Living Magazine's Autumn issue!
I've had the honor of being featured and asked to write and present my other artistic work in many capacities before now, but I think this is truly my first fully paid freelance writing gig.
It feels really good to be compensated for my work in that way.
Writing has been a life long love of mine, I've been an avid journal-er and diary keeper ever since the age of eight, and I've also had this blog going on seven years now.
However I feel as though it wasn't until about two years ago that I really started to fully explore my art of writing.
The way in which I express my thoughts, in a purely vulnerable unplugged way, in the voice that is uniquely mine, has been such a freeing and revelutionary thing for me. It seems so simple, but the words I put out into the world up until that break-through point, were so edited. So limited. So much less and smaller than what their origins offered.
To offer up an art form to the world is one thing, and often enough in the mere doing and execution of it. At least for me. Because much of what I put into the world in that way is for just me.
But to have that action recognized by others as valuable, while an unnecessary validation, is regardless an appreciated and welcome one.
So I want to thank all of the people especially who have encouraged that voice and this pursuit of mine and have expressed value and gleaned insight from my words.
I write for myself, but I also write for you.
Thank you.
You can pick up an issue online here or at Barnes & Noble, Joann Fabrics, or wherever magazines are sold.
Learn To Knit With A Girl Named Leney
So excited to announce that I will be teaching a knitting class hosted by the lovely collaborative talent that is Richmond's own Campfire & Co. as a part of their Good Vibes Only workshop series!
The workshop will take place at Campfire & Co.'s studio, The Marvin Lang Building, at 1623 W. Broad Street from 6–8 pm on March 22, 2016. Plenty of street parking is available along Broad so don't let that deter you from coming!
The class will include all of the supplies you need to make a pattern I'm working on just for you guys which includes some beautiful ethically sourced yarn (Instagram preview here!), needles, a knitting guide and a super awesome Blaze New Trails tote bag from Campfire & Co.
There of course will also be some snacks and drinks because, let's be real, we're going to make this a party.
I was also interviewed over on the Campfire & Co. blog, so be sure to check that out as well!
Okay, what are you waiting for? Sign up here!
There are a limited amount of tickets remaining so get yours before we sell out!
Hope to see you there.
Featured | Quirk Gallery
Excited to announce that I made a few special knits just for Quirk Gallery over at Quirk Hotel!
Definitely a dream to have some pieces of mine grace their beautifully curated collection of goods.
Head over to check out these OOAK knits as well as some other wonderful unique pieces made by other local designers! Quirk is also an awesome spot for an afternoon drink or early morning coffee stop if you're out and about downtown. Once you hang out in the lobby and gallery you'll pretty much never want to leave.
Featured | Etsy Excellence: The Simple Guide To Creating A Thriving Etsy Business
I am so honored to have been one of the etsy sellers interviewed and published in this book!
It's chock-full of amazing advice and tips for new and old Etsy shop owners alike.
In honor of the beautiful and thriving creative/maker/artist community that I love so much, I'm giving away this copy as well as a few extra little goodies to one of you guys!
1. Repost this photo on your Instagram and tag me
2. Follow my Instagram account @agirlnamedleney
3. Tell me what it is you're passionate about.
Whether it's in regards to why you yourself have an etsy shop, want to open one, or an over arching theme and passion in your life- I want to know! I love talking with passionate people so let's talk about those dreams and goals you have yea?
4. I will announce the winner on Monday on my original post on instagram so check back then!
Featured | State x State
My lovely and dear friend Ashley of Rosewood Clothing Co. is being featured over on State x State today! As am I, as it so happens, with my photos of her as well as having The Traveling Scarf being featured in her gift guide!
She's the bees knees though and deserves the spotlight for sure.
So go head on over and read Ashley's Q&A, her top recommendations for RVA and her Gift Guide which also features a few other Richmond makers.
If you live in Richmond or are coming to visit anytime soon, go say hi to her at the shop located on 16 W Broad and open Monday-Friday 12-7 and Saturday-Sunday 11-6.
Tell her I sent you.
Featured | Whurk Magazine
I am so very excited and honored to share this with you guys!
I had the hardest time keeping it to myself these past few weeks....
*Insert drumroll here*
I'm featured in the April issue of Whurk Magazine!
Not just that, but the centerfold pin up feature (a different kind of centerfold that is ;))!
How cool is that right? I know. Pretty cool.
For those of you who don't know, Whurk is a free magazine that has monthly issues featuring artists, special events, poetry, photography, music and all kinds of awesome things from people all over Virginia. In fact, when Seth, the editor, emailed me asking if I'd like to be featured, I had just the day before finished reading the latest issue!
If you feel so inclined, you can read it online here or, if you live in Virginia, you can pick up a copy at various coffee shops, art galleries, and other ultra hip/cool places around your town.
Big thanks to Stephen and Seth for featuring me! Love what you guys are doing. Keep up the good work, or... Whurk... as it were (sorry... I couldn't help myself).
P.s. How perfect is it that there are sheep on the cover?
I'm pretending that was on purpose, just for me.
Photo Cred: Meagan Abell
Etsy Featured Seller
Okay so you have probably seen this on social media at some point elsewhere today.
I mean I only posted about it everywhere ever, as did all of my friends, so you might be tired of hearing about it at this point, but on the off chance you didn't... I have some super amazing news.
I've been stuck in all caps mode since last night. Too many wonderful exciting things happening around here lately. Golly day.
I think like any Etsy shop owner, I've dreamed about being a featured seller since I even found out what one was. I mean, hello, how could you not?
And keeping this to myself for the past month has been so hard because of how over the moon I've been about it. Constant dancing inside/uncontainable joy/random bursts of happy exclamations. Don't mind me.
Okay but seriously though, real talk for a second, when I got the email from Etsy about it I may have teared up a little bit. A little bit. I was just so floored and honored. Is there another word for honored? Humbled? Flattered? Blessed? Overwhelmed? Cause I keep using that word a lot in trying to describe this, but that's pretty much how I felt. And still feel.
Especially today after it officially came out. My phone/all social media has been non stop going off with all of the texts and notifications I've been getting from everyone and their mom. Constant congratulating and sharing of my posts and liking them and commenting with crazy, wonderful, beautiful words (especially after Etsy posted about me on their Instagram and retweeted me on Twitter!) that really just have me sitting over here in tears because of how loved and supported I feel by all of you. I mean really. You guys are just so great. Thank you, truly, from the bottom of my heart.
I'm just going to leave it at that for now. Because I kind of need to unplug from social media for a little while.... Definitely a little overwhelmed. In a good way though.
But right now I'm going to go for a walk and just revel in my current feelings of gratitude.
Again, if it wasn't clear, you can read the featured article here!