
Folkling Shop Update | Mountain Mama

This collection of antique whites was shot in the Blue Ridge Mountains one slow early morning last week.
There was the sweetest bit of cool air blowing through the trees, an inviting promise of fall on its way, and the icy mountain river was a revitalizing wake up for my tired bones as I waded across from my campsite.

Each of these pieces were handpicked in Virginia. Some have mends and imperfections, but as you all know, it is in these very details that I find so much beauty and I think that the storied signs of wear and use make them all the more valuable and special.

This collection is a hard one for me to let go of, as the extra time and care I put into fixing and documenting them brings about more attachment and sentimentality in the process. But I hope that the places they end up will be better than where I found them.

Here’s to giving old things new life.

Suggested listen: Narrow Road by Jeffrey Martin (Actually, just go listen to this whole album…)

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A Kind of Therapy

It’s been a kind of therapy photographing these old things for Folkling.
Documenting their history and imperfection, creating moods with the photos that capture not only theirs but my seasonal shifts in becoming.
But perhaps that is the marker of any practice or art form that brings us joy.
In that it is a kind of therapy— A healing of the disorder of our lives.
A remedial execution of action that we turn to to make things right when they presently aren’t.

Such is the act of self portraiture hidden within the documentation of these old garments for me.

In a lot of ways it would make my life easier to just hire a model to shoot these pieces. It’s an involved and time intensive process setting up my tripod, connecting my phone to my camera, battling the spotty connection between the two and reshooting the images until I capture the thing I have in my head.
But there is a type of learned patience within this too.
Or perhaps I am aggrandizing the process…

I suppose I digress.
All of this is to say that I am working on releasing this small collection in the shop soon.

Stay tuned.

Folkling Shop Update: Because of A Field of Buttercups

I know there have been more “Folkling Shop Update” posts than others lately on here.
The main reason, if I’m being honest, is that more in depth creation is the thing that’s keeping me goin these days.

And these posts allow for that.

But also my hope with these posts is that I can more consistently share a little more of my artistry and inspiration.
How I correlate and connect all of my passions into a photograph of a dress.
How a field of buttercups can leave your creative cup filled for days.
How the fullness of intention, mindfulness and specific action can be executed in everything that we do.

It’s a stretch to you perhaps. But it makes sense in my mind.

I’d been driving past this field for about a week, watching the golden waves grow brighter and brighter with each passing rain.
I finally donned this folkling dress and headed out to shoot in it yesterday afternoon.

These photographs emulate a feeling of quarantine relief for me. The ability to go outside and be in nature amidst this pandemic has been one of the saving graces of where I currently am.

I hope this dress can bring a similar feeling of calm— Even if you just wear it around the house.

Suggested listen: Diamonds & Gasoline by The Turnpike Troubadours

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I Must Love You

"Ordinarily, I go to the woods alone, with not a single
friend, for they are all smilers and talkers and therefore

I don’t really want to be witnessed talking to the catbirds
or hugging the old black oak tree. I have my way of
praying, as you no doubt have yours. 

Besides, when I am alone I can become invisible. I can sit
on the top of a dune as motionless as an uprise of weeds, 
until the foxes run by unconcerned. I can hear the almost
unhearable sound of the roses singing.

If you have ever gone to the woods with me, I must love
you very much." 
— Mary Oliver

My beautiful country girl. I'm so happy to have you home. 

Though, somehow, even more happy about the fact that you have a little being you'll be bringing into the world soon.
I cannot wait to meet them and smother them with my love and all of the baby knits and baby overalls.

You've always been one I can go to the woods with.

To Your River

Been traveling these wide roads for so long
My heart’s been far from you
Ten-thousand miles gone

Oh, I wanna come near and give ya
Every part of me
But there is blood on my hands
And my lips aren’t clean

In my darkness I remember
Momma’s words reoccur to me
"Surrender to the good Lord
And he’ll wipe your slate clean"

Take me to your river
I wanna go
Oh, go on
Take me to your river
I wanna know

Tip me in your smooth waters
I go in
As a man with many crimes
Come up for air
As my sins flow down the Jordan

Oh, I wanna come near and give ya
Every part of me
But there is blood on my hands
And my lips aren’t clean

Take me to your river
I wanna go
Go on,
Take me to your river
I wanna know

I wanna go, wanna go, wanna go
I wanna know, wanna know, wanna know
Wanna go, wanna go, wanna go
Wanna know, wanna know, wanna know
Wanna go, wanna go, wanna go
Wanna know, wanna know, wanna know

Take me to your river
I wanna go
Lord, please let me know
Take me to your river
I wanna know

—River by Leon Bridges

Engagement | Jessie + Drew

But I love your feet
only because they walked
upon the earth and upon
the wind and upon the waters, 
until they found me. || Pablo Neruda

The drive to the Rappahannock River is a drive I love taking and I always welcome any excuse to take it. Especially on a beautiful mid October day that allows for rolled down windows during the scenic drive.
Jessie and Drew will be getting married in the same place and on the same day these were taken, next October.
Such a sweet little detail in their love story.
A love story I can't wait to continue documenting.

Chris + Karli | A Rainy Rehearsal Dinner

A rainy rehearsal dinner on a humid summer evening before a beautiful and love filled wedding.
It's evenings like this one that reenforce the love and passion I have for my job and documenting people's stories. 
Chris and Karli and their family and friends were such a joy to be around during all of the festivities of the weekend.
I'm sharing a few of my favorites in black and white because, to me, they mirror the feeling and mood of the evening. 