
Artists In Film | Siobhan Watts of Bless The Weather in Hitchin England

Artists In Film | Siobhan Watts of Bless The Weather in Hitchin England

Siobhan is someone who you might recognize my having talked about before here on the journal. I visited her in England last fall and took these portraits but she and I have been virtual friends for nearly eight years through our blogs and social media. She is quite definitely my favorite virtual-turned-real-life-friend and though my practice of doing that throughout my life baffles some people (you mean you’re going to somewhere you’ve never been to meet someone in person that you met online… that you don’t even know…) I have to say that it is that very openness that has invited what I would deem some of the dearest friends I have in this world.

She has taught me many things in the way of bringing artistry and beauty to all that you do (we share love and vocations with photography and knitting for one thing, though she has many other talents besides).

But one of the primary ways I’ve witnessed this is through her relationship with her daughter, Rory.

Being a mother is a thing that in most societies, defines a woman once she becomes it. All-at-once she loses her identity as anything other than Mother.
Motherhood is an incredible roll to have and embody. One I hope to have myself one day. Indeed, it is through my own spectacular Mother raising me in just the way she did that I have the view and independence I do in the world. If it weren’t for the way she helped shape my view of myself and others and the world around me, I wouldn’t view it as the miraculous and beautiful place that I do.

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Hitchin England | Siobhan

Hitchin England | Siobhan

These are portraits of a dear friend of mine. She lives in England. We’ve been friends for about seven years, but met in person for the first time this year.
Okay, there is more to this story…

Siobhan and I have been internet friends through our blogs for longer than we’ve had Instagram. I remember having my blog on Blogger when she started following it, and I remember her blog, Bless The Weather, on Wordpress back when she was mostly knitting and only dabbling in taking photos. (For those of you who don’t know, she’s a kick ass full time photographer now.)
We have come a long way in the development of our businesses, but more importantly our friendship.

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A Part

From the top of the Anglican Cathedral in Liverpool, England
Shot with 35mm film // Minolta x-700

It's funny how you can miss places you've only experienced for a short amount of time. 
It's kind of fitting though.
Because in that time it becomes yours. 
And rightfully so, because all of the things you experienced and saw while there. 
The place is a part of you now.

I feel like I have so many places that are a part of me.
I wouldn't have it any other way.

Things I Love Thursday: A Necklace

Once upon a time I went to England.
In England I stayed at a lovely house.
I was given a key to this house.
I had a very nice stay.
Eventually though I had to travel back to America.
However upon my arrival back home I realized that the key had somehow made it into my luggage and had travelled back with me. 
So I kept it.
And made it into a necklace.
And it's now one of my favorites.
The end.

See previous Things I Love Thursday posts here

Home Away From Home

A photo from Liverpool, England

By the beginning of next month I will have travelled to Georgia once, Hampton once, Tappahannock once, Charlottesville once and North Carolina not once but four times. 
All in the span of a few weeks.
Needless to say I've been getting pretty good at living out of a suitcase.

It's funny the little ways you make places here and there temporary home away from homes.
Whether it's by making yourself a cup of tea before bed, a familiar routine.
Or putting your journal on the bed side table, a familiar sight.
Or listening to a certain song as you get ready for the day, a familiar sound.
Or wearing that one sweatshirt that's your favorite, a familiar feel.
Or talking to a friend who somehow seems to embody all of these qualities into one big feeling of home.

I do love traveling.
But I also love my home.
Dorothy was right when she said there's no place like it.

When One Door Closes

So I realized recently that I like taking photos of doors when I travel.
Above is a quick example of a collage I threw together of some of the doors I took photos of when I was in New Mexico a few years ago.
Yea, I said some.
I also apparently did this when I was in England/Scotland last year.
You can see that collage here.

Speaking of New Mexico though, I'm hoping to go through some of those photos to share here on the blog sometime in the upcoming months. 
It still remains one of my favorite places I've visited in the states.
You really are hard pressed to beat the expanse of beauty that is the american west.

What about you?
What have been some of your favorite places to travel?

Europe In Photos {Part 10}

Ladies and gentlemen, the moment you've all been waiting for
(Actually just the moment I've been waiting for)
Finally, here is the last batch of England photos!
It only took me a year.
That's not too bad right...?
(Don't answer that)
Goodness I miss it so much though.

Here's one last shout out to all the awesome people I met and became friends with and to the friends I travelled with and visted and let me stay with them etc.
I still feel so blassed to have had the experience.
I know I've talked endlessly about it but it really was one of the best of my life.
Can't wait to go back one day!

These photos are from my fourteenth and fifteenth days.
Feel free to read the above links so you understand the story behind the photos!
You can see a round up of all my posts from my trip here.
You can see some Instagrams from my trip here.


You can see previous Europe In Photos posts below

Europe In Photos {Part 9}

Second to last England photo post!
And then I promise I'll be done with these....
Then I get to start on California ones! 

Oh how I love to travel.

These photos are from my thirteenth day.
Feel free to read the above link so you understand the story behind the photos!
You can see a round up of all my posts from my trip here.
You can see some Instagrams from my trip here.

You can see previous Europe In Photos posts below

Europe In Photos {Part 8}

Will these posts ever end?
I know, I know these are getting old! The end is in sight though I promise.
There's probably two more posts after this and then I will be done!

These photos are from London!
Staying in a hostel for the first time was pretty... interesting.
Seeing Big Ben was probably my favorite part of this day though.

These photos are from my twelfth day.
Feel free to read the above link so you understand the story behind the photos!
You can see a round up of all my posts from my trip here.
You can see some Instagrams from my trip here.


You can see previous Europe In Photos posts below

Europe In Photos {Part 5}

Slowly but surely catching up with the England/Scotland photos!
It's a little weird looking back at these and realizing they're a year old. 
It seems like yesterday that I was there and it's strange realizing it was so long ago. 
I still miss it.
I've also noticed that when it comes to the majority of this trip, I had less of an artistic eye and more of a documenting one. Don't get me wrong, I definitely love some of these photos, but others I realize I took more because it was something I wanted to remember rather than it actually being a good picture.
Which is why I need to go back.
So I can take better photos. 

 These photos are from my eighth day.
Feel free to read the above link so you understand the story behind the photos!

You can see a round up of all my posts from my trip here.
You can see some Instagrams from my trip here


You can see previous Europe In Photos posts below