North Carolina

Mary Elise | Senior Portraits

Her beauty is the kind that makes you want to be more like yourself, not more like her.
Which, if you didn't know, is the best kind of beauty there is.


So loved shooting this exceptionally wonderful girl's senior portraits in North Carolina last fall.
These are just a few of my favorites that I wanted to share as I'm currently working on publishing more photos from the archives in the upcoming weeks...

Kayleigh | Senior Portraits

Meet Kayleigh.

A beautiful girl on a beautiful North Carolina farm.
And this isn't just for photos, she's a country girl at heart and has grown up horseback riding and living out in wide open spaces. 
She's the real deal.
I so loved spending the afternoon shooting this gals senior portraits. 
Always love when my job carries me to other places and I get to spend time with souls as lovely as this one.


If you're a senior it's not too late to book a spot for your own portraits!
Or too early... if you're thinking about next year. ;)
Shoot me an email for more info.

Jenna | Conceptual Portraits

"And you tried to change, didn't you? Closed your mouth more. Tried to be softer, prettier, less volatile, less awake... You can't make homes out of human beings. Someone should have already told you that. And if he wants to leave, then let him leave. You are terrifying, and strange, and beautiful. 
Something not everyone knows how to love." | Warsan Shire


Model: Jenna


Check out more here.
Interested in getting some portraits of your own done?
Email me for more info:

Adventures | Raleigh (Again)

I was recently in Raleigh North Carolina again
Got to do a little bit more exploring and found even more cool places. 
I actually just happened to stumble upon most of these spots.
Which is honestly the best kind of exploring. 
When you're just wandering around, open to whatever you might come across.
The Morning Times is one of the neatest coffee shops I've been to in a while. Everywhere I go in my travels I look for a unique, local, coffee shop. Because good coffee shops, really good coffee shops, are a rare art form. Most either have good atmosphere (which is a category of judgement all on it's own. Good lighting, nice seating, good noise level to work in? So many necessary specifications...) but the drinks are only so-so or vice versa.  I always get super excited when I find an awesome one. This one is definitely on my return-to list whenever I'm back in town. I only wish we had it here in Richmond. It was the perfect spot to do some photo editing at for a few hours. And their chai tea was super delicious.
(Then again I think most chai tea's are super delicious. I'm not hard to please.) 

Father & Son Antiques was also one of the best antique shops I've visited in a while. Definitely could have spent several hours in there. 
And Art Space had a really awesome installation of art. One gallery in particular, featuring artists Courtney McCracken and Tracy Spencer-Stonestreet, was my favorite. I really loved their work and the ideas behind their pieces. Very thought provoking. You can actually read about it here if you like.
And of course I had to go back to Boylan Bridge Brewpub
Couldn't resist getting that avocado BLT a second time... 

Places Pictured

Five Cities

 New York, Richmond, Chicago, Cleveland, Raleigh
Shot with 35mm film // Minolta x-700

I got some film developed recently.
I've said before that I don't shoot film often. Well, I do, but only one shot here and there. The allotted 24 exposures often extend across a timeline of a month or two. Containing only one moment from a certain day, or a certain week, that I deemed memorable. 
It's not always the case when shooting digital. 
The ability to capture and re-capture moments often tarnishes their beauty and sacredness. 
But film, film allows for me to be more thoughtful, more purposeful. And though often the photos themselves are not as beautiful or breathtaking as they would be if I'd shot them on less than a whim, with a better camera or with higher technology, that's often why I love them. 
Perfect in all their imperfections. 
As the cliche goes.

These five photos are of five cities I've travelled to in the last five months. 
Five cities in five months. 
(I've technically been to more than those five... But these are the five I captured on film)
It's funny, you don't realize how often you're gone until you pause and look back from your constant going. 
Traveling is something that I will always love. And while I still have more I want to do, this year in particular, realizing I've already done a fair amount in the first half of this year calms down the travel bug in me a bit. Remembering I've already done a lot, somehow lessens my need to do.
It reminds me, yet again, to just be where I'm at. Practice contentment. New adventures will come in their proper time. 
A lesson I am ever always, always, re-learning. 

Adventures | Raleigh

I was in North Carolina for a photo gig a month or two ago and in between shooting I had a chance to wander around Raleigh a bit on some various miscellaneous escapades.
Exploring alone has always been one of my most favorite things.
Don't get me wrong, I love sharing experiences and new places with people, and some of the best experiences of my life have been shared that way. However, there's just something about wandering and adventuring at your own pace and discovering things on your own that I just really love. Additionally, being alone always seems to heighten my senses. I feel like I always enjoy, appreciate and take in my surroundings more when I'm by myself.

So, here are just a few photos from that weekend.
Donuts, a Saint Patricks Day parade, art, flowers, yarn bombing, city lights at night and new restaurants are obviously prevalent...
I'm sure the donuts especially don't surprise you.
(I mean honestly, I think I might need to have a blog label specifically for posts that include donuts at this point...)

DJ + Mike | Blessing Ceremony

Meet DJ and Mike.

They had a blessing ceremony in North Carolina back in December in preparation for their wedding in England this month. 
It was a low key event with just a few family and friends, but it was no less special and beautiful! 
You can tell that these two really love each other, which is something wonderful to witness and be apart of. Dearly wish I could have come to their wedding! I know it was absolutely amazing though. 
So very happy for them.
Here are a few favorites photos from the day!

Check out more here.

Interested in getting some portraits of your own done?

Email me for more info: