Friday I'm In Love


This post by Natasha. 
Her husband wrote her a postcard for every 90 days they were apart.
Pretty much melting over here.

I wish I could have one as a pet

"Everyone (and I mean everyone) is a geek about something.
We just usually call it being passionate so it doesn't make us feel like losers."

This post by a friend of mine, which the above quote is from.

This post by Bri

This Craigslist ad (found via Violet)

I collect postcards from all my various travels and now I know what to do with them!

These words

This post by Bridget
(Seriously, she's the cutest) 

A lovely feature on Calico Skies!

Also another little shout out on Kat's blog

AND on Dirty Richmond.
(Feeling popular over here!)

A party fringe DIY

The cutest video starring Naomi and Josh

My giveaway going on right now for a $50 Shabby Apple gift card!

The fact that I started dating this guy on a Friday the 13th over a year ago.
(Photo cred: Maria Jones)

Happy Friday!
What have you got going on this weekend?