Week In Review #6

This week I...
-Read. A lot! Hurray for Summer time and getting back to reading like the book worm I am. I've read two books this week already.
-Re-discovered rangoons. Can you say delicious?
-Got some mail from a dear friend back in England. Miss her (Love you Jenn!) 
-Jackie and Will were in town for a couple weeks! I got to spend some good time with Jackie which was lovely. Seeing them made me miss Edinburgh though. Jackie and I of course stopped by The Yarn Lounge (I maybe bought something).
-Spent the day at the river with some friends. A wonderful day.
-Reached 400 followers! I cannot even believe it. It's crazy. You guys are the best!
-Went to First Friday (pictures forth coming)
-Celebrated donut day
-Finally got to go to the beach! It was heaven. I'd missed it so. 
-Ate funnel cake (enough said)
-Saw a rainbow
-Played some pool (and won. Just sayin.)
-Tried Panera's frozen lemonade smoothie. Not as good as Busch Garden's, but not bad.
-Worked on my travel blanket
-Went to a family cookout. It was so good seeing some extended family again. Love them all.
-Made my first ever video! I'm obsessed now. I will be making videos of everything and anything now.
-Reunited with one of my very dear and best friends. We've known each other for more than half of our lives. It was so good catching up with her (love you Han).
-Went to Don't Look Back for dinner! Post about that also coming soon.

How was your week?