May is here!
Goodness I can't believe it.
April surely was the fastest month so far this year.
In honor of the new month, I thought I'd share a calendar I bought a little while ago from Mr. & Mrs. Globe Trot, also known as Julia and Yuriy Manchik.
I've been following the Manchik's blog ever since one of my best friends showed it to me a couple years ago.
It's been one of my favorites ever since.
If you check it out you will soon see why!
Their love for travel is infectious, and the gorgeous and breathtaking photos they take while traversing across the world, makes you want to visit places you've never even thought about visiting (like Croatia).
I totally have a blog crush on them.
Anyway, I noticed the cute little calendars they were selling back around Christmas time and added it to my wishlist. Long story short, I didn't end up getting one but a month ago noticed they were on sale, and not only that, but there was one left!
I decided it was meant to be.
So this pretty little thing is now hanging on my wall and makes me quite happy.
Be sure to check them out on their Blog
Their Facbook
And their Shop