Friday's Letters

Dear Readers,
It would be super cool to reach 400 followers by the end of the month! Want to pass the word along? ;)

Dear Weekend,
I am so ready for you.

Dear New Sunglasses,
I seriously cannot remember the last time I bought a new pair of sunglasses. 
Thanks for calling out my name at Target.
I really like you.

Dear Workload,
Slack off a bit would ya?

Dear Meat Counter Man at Whole Foods,
You're nice. Thanks for tolerating my complete ignorance when it comes to purchasing meat and not knowing what I'm doing. 

Dear Michael Kors,
Stop making pretty things I can't afford.

Dear Blueberries,
I wish you weren't all gone.

Dear Justin Bieber,
Sure wish your concert tickets weren't so dang expensive. 
Wanna send me one or two?
