Friday I'm In Love

This Friday, I'm in love with....

This song

The 30 Days of Lists challenge
I will have to do it at some point
I love making lists

My friend Sherri's 7 Ways to Wear a Chambray Shirt

Coral Hunter boots 
(I don't even like pink that much but these are just too pretty)

This bow manicure

Blair's Chanel pin

 This cake pop recipe 
Would you believe I've never had one? 
I know

A cute DIY for a camera strap

An Anthropologie necklace DIY look alike

This fried egg and avocado panini looks delicious
(I've never been a huge egg eater but I might have to change my mind)

Scrabble bag tutorial

(Oh how I want it)

All the beautiful vintage road maps Bri and her husband found
(I still have a NYC one I need to frame and hang)

An Oreo truffles recipe
(I mean let's be real. If it's Oreo related, I'm there)

Have a wonderful weekend guys!