Dots Back Inn

A little list I have for 2012 is my 20 List. Which has 20 things on it that I want to do while I'm 20. 
On this list (number seven to be exact) is a resolve to go to ten new Richmond restaurants.
The only requirements are that I haven't ever been to them before, they're located in Richmond and they cannot be a chain.
So far I've only been to one (I know, I need to get a move on...) and I thought I would share it with you today!

It's a little place called Dots Back Inn
I had the felafel (which was pretty good though not as good as the first one I ever had) and their fries (which were more like potato wedges but sooo yummy). 
I am a huge fan of fries of all kinds! 
But let's be real, who isn't?
I wore one of my favorite thrifted dresses (found at The Clothes Rack for $3!) and some pretty pastel heels (found for $4. Thank you Goodwill)

Do you live in RVA?
What are some of your favorite restaurants?
Any suggestions of what I should try next?