Small Resolves

these are small resolves, resolutions if you will, for my personal health and well being. 
small, seemingly insignificant all on their own, but quite important and essential when all grouped together.
sharing as always to help further accountability, inspiration and encouragement. 
if you have a few bits of resolve of your own, write them down. keep them. share them. 

i resolve to always keep books on the bedside table. so as to have more important and tangible rectangles to reach for other than my phone come late night awakenings or early morning arisings

i resolve to keep predominantly fresh/whole/good food in my pantry and fridge so as to nourish and keep my body healthy

i resolve to keep my phone tucked away, not in my hand, as often as possible

i resolve to walk more without an end destination

i resolve to leave emails unopened until i can respond to them

i resolve to practice more patience, especially with people

i resolve to call more and text less

i resolve to say the nice things i think about people out loud more often

i resolve to not say the not nice things i think about people more often

i resolve to think more than twice before i buy something non essential

i resolve to regularly question what's essential

i resolve to write more

i resolve to unapologetically listen to this song as many times as i want to in a day since it's been that way since basically october and i'm just going to embrace it at this point

i resolve to say hello more than i say goodbye


feeling oh-so-good about you 2016. 
and we're only a week in.