iPhone Snaps | A Slow Lived Saturday

I think I've decided that I want to post more iPhone snaps here on the blog.
1. I rarely take my camera with me throughout my day to day wanderings anymore, unless it's film (but considering the fact that I have 17 undeveloped rolls in a drawer here, the current chances of seeing those anytime soon/before the year 2026 is maybe a 0).

2. I take so so many photos with my iPhone. It's a hard-to-come-across day that I don't take at least some sort of photo with my phone to be honest. I exclusively use my Instagram for my iPhone snap sharing, but I so often have so many more photos from a time or event that I love and want to share but never get around to. I don't really utilize my Facebook in that way, or like the format of that type of sharing either. So that pretty much just leaves the journal here on the site.

The thousands and thousands of photos I have from my phone that never see the light of day and are just pushed from my phone, to dropbox, to my external hard drive, is truly tragic.
So hopefully this new idea will remedy some of that!

Without further ado, a few words on a lovely afternoon spent with a lovely friend of mine.


There is a certain kind of friend that is hard to come by in this fast-paced, screen-focused way of life these days. 

The come-on-over-the-doors-opened kind of friend.
The borrow-these-books-because-we-think-alike kind of friend.
The let's-eat-whatever's-in-the-fridge-because-whats-mine-is-yours kind of friend.
The let's-sit-around-and-do-nothing-together-and-just-be kind of friend.
The let's-eat-cake-for-dinner kind of friend.
The list-writing-travel-dreaming-song-writing kind of friend. 
This always denim clad soul is all of these kinds of friends in one and I feel pretty lucky to know her. 

We had such a perfect slow living sort of afternoon together, a theme of ours it seems whenever we spontaneously hang out, and I'm glad she's of such a similar mind because these are my favorite kind of afternoons.