So I shared this on Instagram and Facebook and Twitter already today... But I had to share it here too to be official. ;)
I'm just so over the moon to have my packaging bits and pieces finally all done!
I love them, I love them.
It's the last piece of the rebranding phase to come together and it feels so good to have it finished.
If you're waiting on an order from the shop, get excited because you'll be receiving some of this loveliness in your package.
There's new tags, business cards, instagram cards, and core values cards.
All of the cards.
Cards for days.
Oh and my super cool stamp to stamp all of my packages with of course.
I'm extra in love with my business cards. They're like little luggage tags, aren't they cool? I actually need to get some grommets for them still... but I couldn't wait on that minor detail to share them.
So there you go.
What are your thoughts friends?
On Rebranding: Packaging
in Business