Resurrecting this bit of fun I used to do back in the day (as in, like, 2012..).
Because I come across way too many thing on the internet that I want to share, so what better way to do so then to just make a list of it all for a Friday roundup?
You know you love these sorts of things.
I know I do.
This Coachella playlist from Free People
Writing Your Way To Happiness -I've found this true, especially of me. I've been an avid journal/diary/notebook keeper ever since I was a little girl. Some years waning in the way of content more than others, in regards to keeping up with it, but I've been pretty consistent over the past few years. It's always helped me to write things out to process and evaluate how I feel about them.
Loving this post on the unicorn free way to follow your dreams. A to the men.
This incredibly wonderful post by my friend Bridget. I don't think I could be more in love with this than I already am: Reasons To Be Less Hard On Yourself
These Hawaii bridal portraits by Dylan and Sara. Wow. Just... wow.
This bag, which I've been eyeing for months. I'm head over heels for it and this close to splurging....
Some life lessons
An interesting read on the high cost of cheap fashion
This room has me like #relationshipgoals