My RVA: September First Friday

I hadn't been to a

First Friday




I always seem to be out of town when they come around, so I was stoked when I realized I could attend this one. It's one of my favorite things to do in



There's always so much beautiful and insanely creative art to look at, interesting people to meet, thrift stores to shop in (

Books Bikes And Beyond

*cough cough*), ridiculously cute puppies to pet, street musicians playing your favorite Beirut song (thanks guys!), and of course heaps of restaurants and food trucks to eat from.

And of course if I get to do all of that in the company of a lovely friend it's twice as enjoyable. 

(Hey there Laura) 

P.s. Check out the window display in the first few photos at the oh so gorgeous 


Isn't it just so perfect? Knitting obsession personified. I met the lovely woman, Marty, who designed the whole thing and told her so myself. 

Also: I could pretty much live in that store. It's so beautiful and put together oh so perfectly. 

Their whole aesthetic and design is so spot on. 

Go check it out if you haven't yet!

Places Pictured


1708 Gallery

Quirk Gallery

For more info about RVA First Friday's check out their site

