Wool and the Gang

So a few weeks ago a super cool company called Wool and the Gang reached out to me and asked if I'd like to try out one of their knit kits!
Obviously I said yes.

Wool and the Gang is a global fashion brand that not only designs and creates awesome knitwear, but also enables you to make their knits yourself with their knit kits!
And let me tell you, I had a pretty hard time choosing just one kit. I mean, go take a look
Don't you just want all of them? 
One of their slogans behind their purpose in creating the brand is to make knitting and knitwear cool again. Being a knitter for 14+ years, obviously that's a movement that I can get behind. ;)

So anyway, after much debate I decided to choose The Cross Country Coat! I can't wait to get started on it. Hopefully I can get the shop's orders done early for the holidays so I can get to knitting it up asap...


Be sure to check out their...