Janelle Houston

Remember my friend Janelle?
Well she recently came to Richmond and had me take some photos of her lovely self to promote a new single she has coming out which she and Ryan Scarberry collaborated on together!
I'm pretty excited about it myself, I really love Janelle's music. 
In fact I had one of her songs stuck in my head the whole time I was with her during the shoot and didn't even realize it until she said "Hey... are you humming my song??"
So there you go.
Anyway, Janelle is not only gorgeous but such a joyful and sweet person to be around. She truly is such a giving and generous person and I've loved getting to know her better and can't wait for her next trip to Richmond!
Her new single is called The Waltman Song and will be out on Valentine's Day!
So keep an eye out for the link on her Facebook page and on her bandcamp.
In the mean time check out the photos from our shoot in the city!


See more photos here

Follow Janelle on her

And of course you can buy her current album here!

You can now download the The Waltman Song here
(Listening to it as I type and it's so lovely!)